One of the ways we execute our overall mission is through our Lifting Up STL Kids program. This program specializes in, but is not limited to, aiding foster & guardian families, as well as those who are chosen or appointed by a court to act as a guardian to a minor(s).

The goal of this program is to provide the resources, tools, and support to help children and parents thrive together. We recognize that all families are different, as are their needs. We work with each family to understand how we can help support & empower them in their new family life. Whether that’s materials to succeed in school, resources to create a better home environment, or even just an activity to make a child’s day a bit brighter, we’re here to help.

Our long-term goal is to help build a community for these families & children by connecting them with each other, as well as continuing to mentor & support them through our greater Lifting Up STL organization and beyond.

We are a grassroots movement that can only grow with your help! Do you know of children (ages 0-18) or qualifying families in the St. Louis community that could use our support? We ask that you invite them to contact us directly or fill out the application form above.

Together, we can give St. Louis kids something to smile about.