About Us

The Why

Lifting Up STL was created to fill the needs of the St. Louis community. We saw how members of our community were struggling for a variety of reasons. Our goal was to create a nonprofit that gives a helping hand, not a handout. We want to help people create a better life for themselves which will help their families, friends, and community! When one member of our community is lifted up our whole community becomes stronger.

The How 

We couldn’t do the work we do without the support from you! We have been blessed to have some amazing and generous donors. Also, we have a tremendous Board of Directors and committee members that dedicate their time, talents, and treasure. Lifting Up STL wants to live our mission out of providing a helping hand through guidance and education while also administering services and support to individuals and families in the St. Louis community. To do this, we need individuals and companies to donate, people to follow and share our message, and the community to show up so we can continue to lift up our city!

2022 Tax Return

Read the Report

Lifting Up STL Forms

Tax Exempt Status


Letter from the President

It has been a lifelong dream of mine to establish a non-profit and to serve the St. Louis community

I have always been grateful to my parents for the wonderful opportunities they have given me throughout my life. They helped me build my value systems, like treating people the right way, providing a helping hand to people in need, and living life to the fullest. They set high expectations for me and were there when I needed them.

But I realize, not everyone has such a support system. This is where Lifting Up STL comes into play, with the goal of providing a helping hand for those in the St. Louis community. It is our goal to offer community support, group educational classes and individual guidance in hopes of changing the trajectory of people’s lives to a positive, self-sufficient track. Whether it is providing childcare assistance so the client can pursue educational goals or offering resume writing and mock interviews to help them find work, we plan to be there for our clients through guidance and mentorship.

While we will work with individuals, we will also offer programs to reach out to a larger scale to groups. Therefore, we are hoping to provide a series of educational programs and motivational speakers to spread out mission and to generate enthusiasm about the possibility of achieving things that have always felt out of your reach.

In addition, our community support program will help everyday people with everyday life challenges. This component will help the person who has been succeeding, but who hits a roadblock that leaves them spinning. We want to be there to lend a hand and get them back on course.

Ultimately it comes down to support. I was blessed with a tremendous support system; and I want to offer that helping hand, those words of wisdom or that push to succeed to others. I believe that together we can “teach a man to fish and feed him for a lifetime”.

Steve Young

President and Founder